How do I BUY Qoin on the BTX exchange?
- Download the Qoin Wallet App from the App stores.
- Register yourself in the Qoin Wallet.
- Click on the EXCHANGE button on the BROWSER/HOME tab.
- Sign in with your Qoin username and password.
- Accept the BTX Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.
- Once you have registered with BTX (Steps 1-5 as per above),
Complete the KYC component, follow the bank deposit instructions and confirm your wallet address. Please ensure that your details exactly match the details on your driver’s licence.
- Select the BUY button on the BTX ‘Home’ page
- Select which BLOCK size you wish to purchase.
- The BUY BLOCK sizes will range from $100 to $10,000 however may vary depending on the Seller demand each day. Blocks will include an OTC option.